Educational Blogging

Educational blogging is blogging created for educational purposes. Both students and teachers can use blogging and blogs offer a lot of potential as a resource in the classroom. Teacher educational blogs are mainly used as an additional communication channel to share information with students. They usually contain course content, class management information, general information to students, etc. Teacher educational blogging can also help with professional development. Student educational blogging can help promote project-based learning. They can help create a platform for students to show off their knowledge and display their work. Educational blogs help archive and support student and teacher learning by aiding reflection, questioning classmates as well as themselves, collaboration, and by providing contexts for engaging in higher-order thinking. Educational blogging also provides an interactive way for students and teachers to communicate, and helps build digital literacy skills. Educational blogging can help aid both teachers and students and is a great tool to have for the classroom.
This shows all the different ways you can utilize educational blogging

Educational blogging can be a great way to learn about other people’s research. I have really enjoyed learning about what my peers have decided to write and include in their blogs. One thing I learned about was why children act out in classroom settings. In Ms.Cofer's Education Blog post: Why Do Children Act Out in Classroom Settings? I found out that there is no definite answer as to why children may act out, but most of the time there is a deeper issue going on within the child. If teachers take the time to understand the real reason why a child may be acting out, it can help maintain classroom discipline. Another topic I enjoyed learning about was parental involvement in the classroom. In Skylyn Wood Speaks blog post: Parental Involvement (Pros and Cons) I learned how parents being involved in the classroom can be helpful but it can also have harmful effects. A helpful aspect was that parents can push their student to complete academic tasks, work outside of the classroom, and provide their child with outside resources that can assist them in learning, but a negative could be that some parents allow their personal beliefs to interfere with the educational process. 
Lastly, I learned about how small class sizes are beneficial. In Makenzi Dougherty's Blog post: Small Class Sizes are Beneficial for All Students I learned that smaller class sizes can help with encouraging students to participate. 

My experience with blogging has been great! I created a blog for my Education Technology class at the University of Tennessee in February of 2023. So far, I have written four blogs! I have really enjoyed getting to learn about educational topics and write about them as well as share my work on a digital platform. I think they are a great resource for the classroom. I think it is a creative and effective way of communication. I would love to create an entire class blog for myself as well as my students to post on for my future class.


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