Classroom Management

Classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during a class. Classroom management is crucial to how a classroom operates and functions. There are many different styles of classroom management that teachers use. It is most effective when customized depending on the class and what works best for the students and teachers. Without classroom management, the students would be out of control and the teacher would not be able to effectively teach. Classroom management encourages good and productive behavior for learning from students and helps diminish behaviors that would hinder it. The traditional interpretation of effective classroom management can focus on compliance and rules and strategies that teachers may use to make sure students are sitting in their seats, following directions, listening attentively, and so on. An updated view of classroom management covers everything that teachers may do to facilitate or improve student learning, which would include such factors as behavior, environment, expectations, materials, or activities. Classroom management can make or break how a class operates and is necessary to keep a class in order, but it can be a tricky thing to get right. 

Effective classroom management by having class rules and respectful students
In my experience, every class I have ever been in is different, and every teacher had different strategies for classroom management. Classroom management is not a one-size fits all and different techniques will be needed for each different class and student. It can always be adjusted based on the needs of the class. When I was in elementary school, each year the teacher would have different classroom management techniques, but most had a behavior-tracking system. I remember clip systems where you would move your clip up or down on a chart based on how you behaved. In some classes, those with higher clips would get a reward. This encouraged me to behave out of fear of being embarrassed in front of the class, getting a reward, and wanting to please the teacher. There are now new ways of managing a classroom and they are constantly being discovered and utilized so, it might take a few tries and trying new things to find what works. 


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